This research included the detection of knowledge of the numbers of salmonella bacteria species in the plants of the Mishkab district environment for four seasons and the knowledge of the variation in their numbers for each season and the salmonella of the genus Bacillus negative color in the Gram dye belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. They are strong bacteria that are found everywhere and can survive for several weeks in a dry environment and several months in water and moist soil and then move to the plant from the soil and water polluted by many sources. The main reason for the growth and spread of these bacteria is the feces of humans and animals. When the appropriate conditions for these bacteria are available, they help them spread and move to other places in the environment. Four maps were drawn for spatial modeling of salmonella bacteria in plants. Samples were taken for 30 important sites where most of the plants on which the population depends depend on food in the first place, such as vegetables, fruits and grain crops, in addition to natural plants that are spread in most parts and conduct analysis in various scientific laboratories.