Natural and Engineering Sciences (NESciences) is a multidisciplinary single-blind peer-reviewed journal that provides publication of research articles in topical areas of Natural and Engineering Sciences. Natural and Engineering Sciences (NESciences) aims to contribute to the literature by publishing manuscripts at the highest scientific level on all fields of Natural Science and Engineering Science. NESciences is published trimesterly and does not charge any processing and publication fee. The publication language of the journal is English and continues publication since 2016. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for researchers, students, professionals and academicians all over the world to combine, promote, share, and discuss new ideas, issues, developments and its application in different areas of Natural and Engineering Sciences. The journal publishes original research articles, short communications, technical notes, reports and review articles.
NESciences welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and publishes single-blind peer reviewed articals covering topical areas with a global impact;
Conservation biology
Environmental pollution
Marine and freshwater biodiversity
Fisheries biology
Earth and Planetary Science
Environmental Science
Insect Science
Plant Science
Soil Science
Alien invasion
Molecular ecology
Food processing in Natural Science
Application of the same in
Natural medicine
Genetic algorithms
Artificial intelligence and applications
Innovative computations
Machine learning
Deep learning
Materials in Engineering Science
in the form of original research articles, case studies, reviews and essays on the determined topics at the scope.