Diel Variation in Bottom Trawl Catch Rates of Comber (Serranus cabrilla L., 1758) and Brown Comber (Serranus hepatus L.,1758) in Izmir Bay (The Central Aegean Sea)
- Aydin Unluoglu
Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, İnciraltı-İzmir
- Sencer Akalin
Ege University, Fisheries Faculty, Bornova-İzmir
- E. Mumtaz Tirasin
Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, İnciraltı-İzmir
- Bulent Cihangir
Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, İnciraltı-İzmir
Keywords: Diel variation, Serranus cabrilla, Serranus hepatus, Central Aegean Sea
This study focuses on diel variability in bottom trawl catches of comber Serranus cabrilla (L.,
1758) and brown comber Serranus hepatus (L., 1758). The fish samples were collected during
a total of 7 24-hour bottom trawl surveys carried out within the same locality at the depths
ranging from 50 to 58 m in Izmir Bay (the eastern Aegean Sea) in 2007–2008. In each
seasonal survey 8 hauls with 20 minutes towing duration were performed in consecutive three
hours intervals in order to cover an entire diel cycle of 24-hours. Some variations were
observed in the percentage contributions of the two congeneric serranid fishes to the total
catch by both sampling time and survey season. Their contribution to the total catches were
sometimes high in dark period in some seasons and then low in some other seasons. In
general, however, similar distribution patterns were observed for both species. Finally, no
specific effect of «time of the day» factor on catch rates of the two serranid fishes was