Distribution Pattern and Batch Fecundity of the Brown Comber (Serranus hepatus L., 1758) Along the Turkish Coasts of the North Aegean Sea
- Bertan Altug Narlioglu
Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, İnciraltı-İzmir
- Bulent Cihangir
Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, İnciraltı-İzmir
- Aydin Unluoglu
Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, İnciraltı-İzmir
Keywords: Brown Comber, Serranus hepatus, Turkish Coasts of the North Aegean Sea
This study focuses on spatio-temporal distribution and batch fecundity of the brown comber
(Serranus hepatus L.,1758) along the Turkish Coasts of the North Aegean Sea. The fish
samples were collected during various bottom trawl surveys conducted with R/V K. Piri Reis
between the years of 1991 and 1996. The percentage of contributions of the brown comber to
the total catch were varied between 0.41% and 4.35% at depths up to 100 meters by the
season. The brown comber individuals were also caught in deeper than 100 meters (up to 120-
130 m), but at lower percentages. A total of 346 brown comber randomly sampled during
reproductive period (summer-time) and their total lengths ranged from 7 to 15 cm. Maximum
batch fecundity is around 3000 eggs per female with a of mean 500-600 eggs by using the
“hydrated oocyte method”. The results of the regression analyses showed that batch fecundity
increased with total length, and larger brown combers have a significantly higher relative
fecundity than younger ones.