- Mehmet Cengiz Deval
Akdeniz University Faculty of Fisheries, Dumlupınar Boulevard, Campus/ANTALYA
- Erhan Mutlu
Akdeniz University Faculty of Fisheries, Dumlupınar Boulevard, Campus/ANTALYA
- Tunca Olguner
Akdeniz University Faculty of Fisheries, Dumlupınar Boulevard, Campus/ANTALYA
Keywords: Tetraodontidae, pufferfish, Mediterranean, Antalya Bay
Samples were collected in May, August, October 2014 and February 2015 over 6–10
consecutive days per month. For each research trip, three transects were considered: two transects
were located in the region open to fishing, while the other one was in the protected area. There
were five fixed trawling stations along each transect, located at depths of 10, 25, 75, 125 and 200
m over the inner part of the continental shelf. Sampling was carried out on board R/V “Akdeniz
Su” (26.5 m) of the Fisheries Faculty of Akdeniz University. A polyethylene otter trawl net with
44 mm mesh size and 17.5 m wing spread was used to collect fish. Towing speed was around 2.5
knots and duration was about 30 min. All sampling was conducted during daylight hours between
sunrise and sunset. The catch of each haul was sorted and identified according to species level or
to the lowest possible taxon. Environmental parameters examined included physical, chemical,
biological and geological data. Seawater samples were collected at each station by casting a
polyethylene Nansen bottle before or after trawling. Hydrographical parameters were profiled at
the surface, at the subsurface, according to the Secchi disk depth, and close to the bottom. After
collection, water temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen and Ph values were immediately
recorded through a portable multiparameter probe. A total amount of 68 hauls were performed
throughout the study. Observed temperature, salinity and density values showed clear seasonal
variations. Four pufferfish species belonging to Tetraodontidae family and a total of 147 fish
species belonging to 69 families were caught during this study. During the surveys, 69 specimens
of L. sceleratus, 92 specimens of L. spadiceus, 747 specimens of L. suezensis and 48 specimens of
T. flavimaculosus caught from the 68 successful hauls.